
Showing posts from February, 2024

Is the Conspiracy Theory Exploiting Kurt's death?

There's a common argument among the Nirvana fans that I come across. The argument is about how the supporters of the conspiracy theory are exploiting the death of Kurt Cobain to make money for themselves. Some fans deny that they are exploiting his death, claiming their main goal is to deliver justice. I decided to write my thoughts about this argument. In my personal opinion if you sincerely have a doubt about his death then you can take action to reopen the case. Having a desire to reopen the case is not exploitation because you are not making money from it. However, if you claim to have evidence that can prove the conspiracy theory and you will only share it if people buy your books or become a paid member of your website/channel then that is an act of exploitation. This is not helping the Cobain Case at all. If you genuinely want the case to reopen then you should present the police of the evidence you acquired. And yes, you can share the evidence in public (if it is permitted)